December 12, 2010

Of Sandwiches and Dragons

I attended a children's Christmas pageant this morning. Apparently, the children had had a lot to do with the scriptwriting because the play was a fresh little story entitled "The Dragon Who Never Had a Christmas." A world premiere.

Woodland creatures (which looked a lot like children in various Halloween costumes) opened the story by running away when the dragon came in roaring (in lieu of breathing fire). The flowers scolded him for being too mean and/or loud. And he wandered through the forest looking for this thing called a "Christmas."

Part of it involved visiting some wise guys (aka three young men dressed as Mafiosi while the theme from Godfather played), and they all shared a sandwich. The eating of the sandwich was non-simulated, and it may have been peanut butter because there was quite a bit of chewing and silence and awkward pauses, but then things got back on track when the dragon, with a bolus of sandwich in his cheek, said his next line and the show carried on.

What the dragon learned is that Christmas was about caring and sharing and giving and ... apparently, singing.

The best part though - the showstopper - was the gathering of the players at the end to sing the Whoville "Wah Hoo Dor Re" theme from the Grinch TV show, and one little ballerina (maybe she was one of the flowers?) was singing as loudly and as off-key as possible. An impromptu solo where she knew with great certainly every fifth word.

The whole thing was just as wonderful as it could be, and made me laugh, giggle, guffaw and smile. Lovely. Just lovely!

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