November 26, 2010


I have gotten several new followers to my Twitter feed, and I'm wondering why. It cannot be that I'm posting because I'm not. I've been neglecting this blog and my Facebook page too.

Why? see previous entries. Compound pain with depression, overwork and underpaid, and you have the nearly complete picture.

"In this economy" is a phrase that I am sick to death of using, but that's the issue, as far as I can tell. I'm also careful not to squander my limited creative time in unpaid work, which makes me grumpier but there ya go.

In knitting news, I have two long term projects that are taking forever, and so I cast on a hat for a friend. And it turned out to be too big, for me, and so probably for him too. I have a largish head (to house this big beautiful brain of course).

But anyone who can explain the Twitter adds will be rewarded with my blessing.